Our Story
Di Westaway’s Mid-Wife Crisis
Twenty years ago, Di Westaway was fatigued, fed up and seriously unfit. With nothing but an impending 40th birthday and bottomless washing basket to look forward to, she started wondering: is this all there is?
Then, out of the blue, an acquaintance invited her on a hiking expedition to remote South America. It wasn’t just any old hike… it was climbing Mt Aconcagua, the highest mountain in the Southern Hemisphere. Impulsively, surprising even herself, she said yes. She was a former athlete, how hard could it be?

A Big, Fat, Fail
The mountain climb was a big, fat, fail. They didn’t get to the top.
But the experience transformed Di’s life. She realised there was more to fitness than sweaty, soul-destroying gyms or pounding the pavement.

OMG, Fitness Can Be Fun
Di discovered that fitness allows you to get to places most people can’t go. When you’re hike fit, you can enjoy a cuppa tea on a remote mountain top, plunge naked into a glacial lake surrounded by squealing friends, jump off a waterfall in the shadow of an active volcano or scale a jagged rock tower in time for the sunrise.
Di skilled up and started ‘Trek Training’ for women in her local national park. She trained coaches and clients, and together they travelled the world hiking iconic trails such as Mt Kilimanjaro and Machu Picchu.

Develop Resilience… And Find Real Joy
When you’ve been on the side of a mountain, thinking you might die, things like whining teenagers and impending divorce are a mere trifle. You’ve faced far tougher challenges before sunrise, and you see the world through a different lens. One that says: Don’t f**k with me.
But it was more than that. Di had discovered something that made her really, really, ridiculously, annoyingly happy. Even at 6am. She’d found that ‘something to look forward to’ she’d been missing, and it turned her world technicolour.

We Need A Goal For Everyone
The thing is, we can’t all jet off overseas to climb mountains. But Di knew she’d discovered something magical and she wanted to shout it from the mountaintops!
Di wanted the exhilaration she felt to be accessible to all women, so she developed an event that took the best bits of her adventures (Views! Giggles! Friends! Chocolate! Champagne!) and crammed them into one epic hike along the coastline of Sydney. Coastrek was born!

Where Coastrek Is Today
Coastrek is now Australia’s premier charity hiking challenge for women. You can choose to trek 50km, 30km or 20km along Australia’s most spectacular coastlines to get fit with friends and raise funds for heart health.
Together, our community of 70,000 trekkers has raised more than $48 million for charity.

2000 It starts with a big fat fail
2001 A movement is born
2004 Di picks a name
2005 - 2008 Seven Summits Season
2009 The first Sydney Coastrek
2010 We’re famous... sort of!
2012 Coastrek raises first $1 mil
2014-2018 Trek Training grows
2015 Melbourne gets moving
2017 Coastrek hits 25,000 trekkers and $20 million raised
2018 We join forces with Beyond Blue
2020 Founder & CEO Di Westaway is awarded an OAM
2021 We smash our goals

Di Westaway OAM

Sally Smith

Sasha Reid

Gerrie Reynolds

Katherine Rothwell

Yvette Peverell

Brigette Banks

Erika Bates

Charlotte Horne

Plezi Brennan

Ayla Johnson-Gustowski